September 8, 2022

Ethical Foraging: A Strategy for Sustainability

Long before there were supermarkets, farmers markets, CSAs, farm stands and fast-food restaurants, humans relied on the age-old practice of hunting and gathering. Without a sense of entitlement to immediate and bountiful culinary gratification, ancient peoples embodied an ethos of respect, gratitude and stewardship of the land that fed them, clothed them, and sheltered them from the harsh elements.
June 12, 2022

Spongy Moth – It’s almost over, your place is a mess, and your trees are still alive

It’s almost over! The Spongy Moth frass, leaf fragments and large, hairy caterpillars will stop raining down on your head and home in the next few […]
March 10, 2022

Winter’s Back is Broken: Signs of Spring in Michigan

“There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”Rachel Carson I’ve spent […]