Celebrate with Friends of the St. Clair River at River Bash

Thursday, April 10, 2025 • Doors open at 5:30pm • Program begins at 6:30pm

Port Huron Yacht Club, 212 Quay Street, Port Huron

Friends of the St. Clair River is proud to present its 3rd annual fundraiser,
"River Bash: A benefit on the banks of the Black River”

This celebration-style event, held around Earth Day every year, is about coming together to celebrate, protect, and restore the rivers, parks, and trails we all love. The event includes strolling dinner and live music by Still Running, a brief program, Environmental Excellence Awards, an auction and raffle, and our live baby sturgeon, of course!

We are so grateful to share this evening with you. Thank you for coming together with us to share in the importance of strengthening our connection with nature and the Great Lakes. Seating is limited, so act fast to secure your tickets. Last year River Bash was a SOLD OUT event!
All proceeds support Friends of the St. Clair River's mission and year-round conservation and education work. For event questions, or to donate an auction item, or for sponsorship opportunities, contact Sheri Faust, Executive Director, at (810) 730-5998 or [email protected].

Are you interested in being a River Bash sponsor?

Local Legend Presenting Sponsor - $500

Themed VIP table for 8 + drink tickets, Name located on signs throughout event + Rivers Sponsor benefits. Limited to 4 sponsors, one each of: Lake Sturgeon, Peregrine Falcon, Painted Trillium, Monarch Butterfly.

2024 Sponsors

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our 2024 River Bash sponsors. Because of their commitment, we can perform our vital work improving responsible recreation, conducting habitat projects, offering streamside education programs, and sustaining more trail projects. Thank you, River Bash Sponsors!

2025 Environmental Excellence Awards

At River Bash, we take the opportunity to recognize incredible local leaders making a difference. across the watershed, from fostering student learning and enhancing coastlines, to championing outdoor recreation. We do this by identifying those worthy of our Environmental Excellence Awards. It would be impossible for us to protect our watershed's rivers, parks, and trails without their efforts. We are incredibly grateful for their leadership that is building greater stewards of our natural resources.